Monday, January 24, 2011

Who Knew?

Who knew?
That when you enter a grocery store or a tech store that is a part of a larger mall, that you should put all of your belongings (purse, other shopping bags) in little lockers near the front door? I was yelled at by security the first time I encountered this scenario in Kazakhstan.

Who knew?
That upon entering anyone's house or apartment, that you should immediately take off your shoes? It is extremely rude and absolutely non-negotiable to walk beyond the foyer in anything other than bare feet, socks or house shoes. I actually appreciate this custom, as Baku is quite a dirty city and this helps to keep the "party gravy" from spreading beyond the threshold.

Who knew?
That gyms have their own etiquette? When considering a gym, you might want to take a tour beforehand. You should expect to put on little disposable booties over your shoes (think haz-mat booties). Once you are a member of said gym, you should arrive in one pair of shoes and work out in another "clean" pair of shoes. Now understanding this custom, I actually have a pair of Nikes that have never touched the pavement. They are strictly inside shoes. Also, gym goers should not leave the facility in their sweaty clothes. You should always have a change of clothes to depart in.

Who knew?
That in a country where some women must cover their heads, that it is unseemly for a woman to wear a ball cap? This winter, I have been thankful that stocking caps are acceptable.

Who knew?
That when greeting a local, you should shake hands, even if you have already seen that person once that day. Or twice. You just keep shaking hands, like it's the first time you've ever met.

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