Friday, January 7, 2011


In Kazakhstan, people greeted each other with a hand shake and the Russian "zdrasvuyte" or simply "hello." Azerbaijan is a little more complex in it's hospitality. Most people will use the Arabic, "Salam Alaykum" or for short, just "Salam," which translates as "peace be with you." I have a very real fear of accidentally saying "Shalom," which is the Hebrew equivalent, but obviously not appreciated here.

When greeting the same sex, men and women will kiss on the cheek at least 2 times. And it gets interesting when men greet each other. There are usually enthusiastic handshakes, hugs and back pats, and 3 kisses are expected. Men are very touchy-feeling with each other and these displays of affection make most Westerners uncomfortable.

It is probably a good time to point out that Azeri men NEVER wear shorts, even in 90 degree heat. It is unseemly and is considered homosexual. Most Western males have decided to ignore this social taboo and sport shorts freely in warm weather. Of course, the ongoing debate is why it's okay for men to kiss but not to wear shorts. Alas, the reasoning is lost on me.

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