Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Anyone's Guess

It was bound to happen.  My doctor has restricted my exercise to walking only.  WALKING ONLY!  I won't bore/gore you with the details, but the baby could arrive any day now and there's still 6 days left to be considered a full-term pregnancy, so WALKING ONLY.  My 2 kickboxing, 1 cycle and 1 boot camp classes are being covered by non-pregnant instructors and tennis has been put on an indefinite hold.  The dogs and I have been taking lazy strolls around our neighborhood.  The Oklahoma weather has been uncharacteristically warm for February and my running shoes are calling for me to lace up.  But, I have my eye on the prize - a healthy baby, so I'm WALKING ONLY.

The problem is that since my schedule has been reluctantly cleared, I now have waaaay to much free time to contemplate the impending transition into motherhood.  I'm anxious, scared, worried, excited, did I mention scared?  So much is about to change.  Am I ready for this?  I wouldn't say that I've enjoyed pregnancy, but I haven't minded it either.  My favorite thing is feeling her kick and turn and hiccup.  It's been pretty amazing.

It's anyone's guess as to when Annabelle will make her grand appearance.  My hair was recently hi-lighted, my toes were treated to a pedi and a couple of hours in the sunshine rouged my cheeks.  I've bathed the dogs, dusted the ceiling fans and stocked up on paper towels.   My hospital bag is packed.  The nursery is finished.  So, I'm good, right? I guess all I need is the baby.  It's a waiting game.  I'm ready to play.  I think.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I am spoiled.  This is not a new revelation to myself or to those who know me.  Ask my favorite aunt and uncle, "She's always been spoiled," they'd say.  Or my older sister, "Growing up, Baby Brooke could get away with anything."  Thankfully, I snatched a good man who also routinely spoils me.  Over the course of our 9 year marriage, he's let me bring home 3 stray dogs, conceded for me to work only part-time as a fitness instructor and doesn't say a peep when I buy expensive Arbonne products.  What a guy!

But, I write today about some fabulous women in my life who recently went above and beyond to spoil not only me, but also Baby Annabelle.  My sister, bf Dana, sister-in-law Cass and sister-in-law Mel all got together to host a lovely baby shower.  Beautiful decorations, yummy food and of course, plenty of gifts for Annabelle!  Dana's mom was kind enough to welcome complete strangers into her house and various male family members were put to work to rearrange furniture, pack-up the gifts and do general clean-up.  My two teenage nieces were (un)willing participants in the shower process as well.  I had the opportunity to catch-up briefly with sorority sisters, high school friends, extended family and newer acquaintances like my tennis partner.  I was feeling the love!

Good friends drove from Dallas and Tulsa to attend the shower.  The award for "longest drive" went to Lesli, her hubby and two kiddos for enduring the 6+ hours from Houston.  See, didn't I say that I'm spoiled!

Here are some pics from the special day: