Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just Life

Pete, our big lab mix, had what started out as a small lump just below his elbow.  Almost a year later, it had grown to golf ball size.  The vet removed it and the test came back that it was cancerous but with only a 20% chance of returning.  All has been going well, minus the original stitches that were replaced by staples, which were then replace with stainless steel stitches.  Why didn't they just use stainless steel the first time, you may ask.  One of the great unanswered questions in life....

Pete wearing a cone to protect the stitches in his leg
In other news, with only a few days to go before closing on our new house, the builder has been threatened that we'll push back closing if he doesn't get the yard's drainage problem fixed.  And put the correct address on our mailbox. Geez...

And on the brighter side, working out with my youngest niece has been a blast.  We joined the local YMCA and have been regular ole gym rats.

As for my oldest niece, I was allowed to be there when her date picked her up for prom.  Her in a gorgeous purple Cinderella dress and him with a mohawk.  I've also traveled up the turnpike to Tulsa to visit my friend with 3 little boys, which sounds perfectly horrific to me, but she handles everything with grace and patience.  It also helps that her boys are sweet little gentlemen.

Dinner with our college "besties" was as joyous as ever.  It's one of those relationship where you can slide right back into familiarity with uncanny ease.

Just a few of the things that make being back in Oklahoma so perfect.

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