Monday, March 7, 2011

Women's Day

Today is Women's Day. Rejoice girls of the world because this day is just for us! We do not have to share it with any stinkin' boys. I'm not kidding, it's a real, everybody-has-the-day-off-of-work, holiday honoring us fabulous women. My, how nice of them!

According to my brief research (thanks Wikipedia!), the first International Women's Day was recognized in 1911 by the Socialist Party to show, "respect, appreciation and love toward women and to celebrate women's economic, political and social achievements." Recent conversations with several of my Russian-heritage friends confirm that the holiday is "a big deal" in Eastern Europe, Russia and former Soviet bloc countries. I personally recall being in Kazakhstan last spring, just before the holiday, and noticing mass marketing materials in the theme of, "Don't forget, Women's Day is coming up!" I get the feeling that it is a mix of Valentine's Day and Mother's Day all rolled into one. Bosses are expected to give gifts to female employees (and not just measly chocolates), lovers should present flowers, students should give cards and so on.

Women's Day is celebrated on March 8, every year. It just so happens that is falls on Mardi Gras this year. So, while I'm on the subject of holidays, do you know that Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday is called Shrove Tuesday in many parts of the world? As a Protestant growing up in the Bible Belt of America, I had never heard it referred to as Shrove Tuesday until my British friends here in Baku enlightened me on the topic. Humor me if you already know this...."shrove" is the past tense of the word "shrive" which means to obtain absolution for sins by doing penance. Those who honor Shrove Tuesday indulge in pancakes (think crepes, not American-style flap jacks) because pancake recipes call for sugar, fat and eggs, which were traditionally restricted during Lent. I think the pancake idea is quite charming, seeing as how Mardi Gras is often associated with mass amounts of alcohol consumption.

And now you are ready to tackle the day....whether it be Women's Day, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday!

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