Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Black Gold

As Azerbaijan is one of the most abundant oil fields in the entire world, it is only appropriate that the locals in Baku would love black gold....well, black and gold.

The locals all wear black, all black, all the time. It's hard for me to properly describe this, because saying that every item that a person can wear - hat, scarf, boots, shirt, pants, belt, coat - is black - doesn't quite provide the whole picture. Everyone, kids, teenagers, adults, elderly, wears black from head to toe and so consider how odd that looks when people are waiting at a bus stop or walking through a park or eating at a restaurant. The only exception seems to be babies, as their coats are generally brighter colors (thank goodness). When I see a teenage girl dressed in a bright blue coat with matching stiletto boots, I know immediately that she must be the black sheep of her family (insert chuckle at stupid pun).

My educated guess is that black is so popular because it does not show sweat or dirt as easily as other colors. I suppose when doing laundry requires hand-washing your own clothes in iffy water, you might want to make it as easy as possible on yourself. So, I'm not criticizing the choice or color, I'm just stating the plain facts: Johnny Cash would have loved it here.

And then there's the gold part of this story. Apparently, it's only been in the past few years that gold teeth have fallen out of fashion in Baku. I do not have a guess, educated or otherwise, as to why this was ever in fashion, but the sheer number of people with gold teeth here would make any pimp jealous.

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