Thursday, November 11, 2010

My New Friend

My efforts to show the Azeris that dogs can be good pets has produced exactly one convert. His name is Baruse (I think that's what he said). He works in the police impound yard next to our apartment. From what I can tell, his job is to open the gate to allow tow trucks to enter or exit. He is young, not even 20 years old and always has a big, innocent grin on his boyish face. The dogs and I have to pass by the car lot every day to take our walks. He has candidly watched us parade by for months now and recently he started shouting, "Salam!" (hello!) and waving in big gestures to us. Cautiously, I usually respond with a half smile and a simple head nod....until a few weeks ago.

Zoey, Bailey and I were within view of our apartment. We had trekked the 2 miles there and back from the Bulvar and we were all a little tuckered out. Like horses headed to the barn, our pace unintentionally quicken when we rounded the corner and could spot our building still several blocks away. My mind was shifting through thoughts of, "how much exhaust fumes am I inhaling right now?" and "what is this air quality doing to my skin?" When I heard the familiar, "Salam!" and turned to see our friend walking right next to us. Without the smile ever faltering, he reached out to take Bailey's leash. I was absolutely astounded. He wanted to walk with us and not just that, he wanted to walk Bailey!

We strolled the several blocks back in silence. The language barrier is such a hindrance in these odd situations, but as we approached the apartment the few workmen outside started smiling at the spectacle: the American woman with the little brown dog and the young Azeri man with the fat black dog, it's not a combination you see very often in Baku. At the security entrance, Baruse relinquished the leash and headed to his job next door. I smiled the entire elevator ride up to the apartment.

And then again today, the exact scenario played out: bumping into Baruse on the street, him walking Bailey to the apartment, me silently thinking, "what a sight we are!" I think we've made a friend or hopefully at least broken the mold.