Sunday, August 7, 2011

I "Tried"

My first triathlon...I came, I saw, I did not quite conquer but, I did have a great time.

I trained for 8 weeks, but I was still slightly concerned that I might drown during the 500 meter swim.  It was a pool swim with participants being put in every 15 seconds.  I have one race pace - slow and steady - which doesn't bode well for me when I only have seconds before the next swimmer is tapping on my ankles, wanting to pass me.  I was passed by 6 people during the swim and each time, it gave me more anxiety and left me gasping for air.  I actually had to doggie paddle for a few seconds just to get my bearings.  I would be embarrassed by my antics, but with burning lungs, it was the only thing I could think of to keep shear panic at bay. 

Thankfully, my legs were still strong for the bike ride around Lake Hefner.  The ride was mostly uneventful, but in retrospect, I probably could have pushed a little harder.  I was just enjoying the uncharacteristically cloudy morning and the 80 degree temperature that was accompanying it - in the midst of a severe drought and record-breaking temps, it was a welcome reprieve.

Lastly, the run.  Got that in the bag.  Except for that I'm still slow and steady.  Never been a hare and I wasn't about to start now.  Finding my groove came easy.  On my way out the chute, I passed the hubby, who was finishing up.  He was about 25 minutes ahead of me.  He didn't even train for the tri.  That's what happens when you have mental fortitude, which I struggle with.  Nonetheless, I crossed the finish line in 1:41.  A Gatorade and banana to refuel and then a few minutes sitting on the pavement.  Whew!  What a morning, and it was only 9 a.m.!

I'm proud of my accomplishment, even if it wasn't anything spectacular.  I will definitely tri again.

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