I have a heavy-hearted admission to make. I've been neglecting my dogs. Before the baby, they were my whole world (well, them + the hubby). While living in Almaty and then Baku, there were some days when they'd be my only source of conversation. Granted, it was a one-sided convo, but at least it was in English, and I have no doubt that they actually do understand a bit of what I say.
The two girl dogs have been in my life for 9 years. They've been excellent friends. Pete the big white dog has only been around for 7 years and he didn't make the trip overseas, but he too, has been a confidant and superior guard dog. And then I go and betray them. I've given my heart to someone else. It's embarrassing to think that I could be so fickle. It just happened. I left them at home one morning, checked into a hospital, came back a few days later a changed person. Suddenly they are just dogs. I still rise before the sun to take them on a walk. They still get 2 meals a day and all-you-can drink fresh water. But, I'm ashamed to admit that there are nights, when I'm climbing into bed and I wonder, "Did I even pet them today?" "Did I offer a scratch behind the ear or a word of praise?" I feel horrible about all of this. Honestly, it's a heavy burden. I'm hopeful that there will be a day soon when the baby can take joy in having the dogs. I'm hopeful that she'll laugh at their wagging tails and squeal at their wet, sloppy kisses. And maybe then, I can make it right with the furry kids again. When we can all join in the petting and praising, then they won't have to be on the back burner. I want us to be one big, happy family. Fur and all.
The whole gang, pre-baby. |
Daddy and his girls doing tummy time. |
I completely understand...I feel the same way with Duke!