So it was a few Friday nights ago when I ventured to the Chi Omega house at Oklahoma State University (see file "college" sub-folder "Chi-O"). Along with several of my sorority sisters, we went back to our alma mater for a brief get-together and a tour of our renovated sorority house. Over dinner, we chatted about all that has changed since we pledged over 10 years ago. The synapses in my brain were on over-drive keeping up with the remember-whens. I looked at each of the amazing women and thought, "we've done pretty damn good." I'm biased, sure, but there's no doubt that each of us has obtained success - whether through business, education, finances or family. I was proud to be sitting with such a great group of women who I can call friends.
Before reconnecting with these girls, I had been worried that they wouldn't accept me - that they were mad at me for not keeping in touch. With all of the hubby's job-necessitated hopscotching across the world, I felt like I had fallen off the map, and for all intensive purposes, I had (see file "Almaty" and "Baku"). But, there were no hard feelings. I may have drifted apart from them since our under-grad days, but our common threads and shared history will always give us a bond and launch pad for conversation.
I add this to my long wish list for Annabelle - that she too will know friendship that can withstand and flourish in spite of life's interruptions.
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Chi Omega! |
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Watch me outgrow my rugby bear! Annabelle, Aug. 1, 2012, 5 months old. |