The month of April saw my first race since having Annabelle. The Redbud Classic 10k is a true classic in Oklahoma City. This event is one of the things I have always looked forward to, even when we were living elsewhere and I had to live vicariously through other runners. I posted a pbpb, you know, a "post-baby personal best" of 9:15 per mile. Not too shabby for having a 6-week old. AnnaB and the hubby supported me at the finish line. What a wonderful show of love!
My turn to reciprocate came at the end of April, when the hubby did the OKC Marathon. All 26.2 miles of it. His first full marathon and AnnaB's first time to make posters.
AnnaB and her rockstar daddy after the marathon |
In the midst of all of this running, the hubby and I had our first date night, sans baby. Sushi dinner and the last regular season OKC Thunder game in corporate box seats. AnnaB had her first Easter and I celebrated my first Mother's Day. From home, we cheered on the OKC Thunder in the NBA playoffs and enjoyed the fine Oklahoma weather.
First date night |
Just two cool chicks enjoying the sunshine |
Cheering on the home team. Too bad that this onesie makes her look like a boy! |
I suppose that's what the first year is all about...firsts. We're looking forward to all of it.
Watch me outgrow my rugby bear - Annabelle, 2 months old, May 1, 2012. |